The Blended Learning Place

Thursday, September 27, 2007

More flickr fun Friday 28 September 2007

My creation, originally uploaded by sherri.michael.

Some of my colleagues have created very cheeky cards but I'm afraid this creation (staid as it is) is all I could think of! I'm really only looking for excuses to share some of my pretty holiday pix!

This was surprisingly easy to create and the technology is certainly non-threatening. I was going to create postage stamps but that costs money...................and I'm a tightwad if any expenses do NOT include new shoes, clothes, coffees, champagne, red wine.............good food.............................

#5 flickr Thursday 27 September 2007

Been playing with my photos and organising them - adding tags and creating sets. It's all been very interesting and I could spend HOURS doing this!

This photo was taken in the early morning in February some five years ago. We were staying in an hotel near the Notre Dame, but in the Latin Quarter. This particular building caught my husband's eye.

Monday, September 24, 2007

More flickr fun Tuesday September 25 2007

Well I decided to post some old holiday snaps. This is my favourite view of Eiffel Tower. It was a crisp clear spring morning in February many years ago. We walked from our hotel out onto the paved street and just ambled all day.

What can I say about Paris in the spring? We had the best hot chocolate for breakfast and woke up at dawn to the clanging of the rubbish trucks emptying the bins in the narrow street below. Just minutes away was the Seine and the Notre Dame cathedral nestled on its isle.......

Thursday, September 20, 2007

#5 Discover Flickr Friday September 21

This pic of an apartment in Millswood, Adelaide, makes me nostalgic for my old home a few streets away. The Art Deco style of this particular building is at odds with the late Victorian and early Federation villas in the immediate vicinity. My home was a sandstone fronted villa circa 1904 in nearby Mitchell Street.

Just loved being able to access so many good quality images on! I'm going to upload some old holiday snaps next.

I found it very easy to follow the links which enabled me to post this image to my blog. I look forward to more fun with the mashing discovery exercises!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Monday September 17th 2007

What an action-packed weekend, dear Reader! A blissful hour of pampering at the hairdresser (just lurv those scalp massages!) so now my shagpile carpet 'do is restored to its former spikey (edgy! for a mature woman - now don't think mutton dressed as lamb......please!)coiffure. Feeling refreshed I not only attacked the customary domestic chores but also carried out a very inspired campaign of Spring Cleaning - minimalist kitchen benchtops (no more clutter!), tidy storage room shelves.......such bliss! Sad really and tragic too how such small things can amuse small......(you get the picture!). Between the washing, ironing, grocery shopping, scouring of bathrooms and toilets I did actually get time to read The Age and watch a little TV. There was a great article about Ann Patchett the author of "Bel Canto" one of my favoutite novels. Her approach to writing was refreshing - a wistful exploration of human relationships - and I'll have to look out for her novel "Run" which sounds good. I've finished "Perfume" and felt a little let down by the ending. The main character didn't inspire any empathy and once you finish the tale of his exploits you don't really care any more. It certainly made me appreciate my Chanel No 19 much more! Anyway, I ironed in front of ABC TV's Sunday Arts program and caught the end of an interesting doco about Pamela Travers. She raised her own son in the style of Mary Poppins - stern and a little unapproachable - and was dogged in how she wanted "Mary Poppins" portrayed by the Disney studios. Apparently she gave a rave review after the opening of the film and spent the rest of her life denouncing the differences between her books and the Disney characters. She would never admit that sales of her children's books soared because of the film. And she hated to be referred to as a "children's author". It was about this stage in the ironing that I attacked the M&Ms and Skittles. Non sequitur or a sanguine attempt to restore the high from Spring Cleaning???? This post is declining into the annals of the navel gazers..............Sorry, dear readers. Adieu for now - it's back to work!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thursday September 13th, 2007

Woke to news of yet another earth tremor near Indonesia. Is the world collapsing into itself? Is this the herald of that final "whimper"? Sorry for the purple prose - it's so tempting to ramble when the last time I jotted down disconnected thoughts I was sitting among leaves in the Vienna Woods and my hair was still naturally blonde. It was last century when I think about it, but then again most of my life is "last century". (Sigh) Later this morning I picked up the novel I'm currently reading and was really drawn in by the descriptive narrative - "Perfume" by Patrick Suskind. A learned colleague recommended it so I'm giving it a go. The descriptions of life and odours from centuries ago are so vivid you feel you could touch the characters and clearly visualise the settings...... Paris....(Sigh)

So, dear readers what do I have to look forward to this afternoon? A "larger size" Lean Cuisine gourmet meal served with instant coffee and a huge whiff of Patrick Suskind's "Perfume". What else? All this my sanguine readers and then it's back to work..................